HiP wanted to open a new office space as an incubator for designers and product fabricators. The aim of the design is to bring artists into a place that stimulates creativity and collaboration, aiding in the growth of their companies. The boundaries of the office “landscape” are pushed to offer areas that designate but do not limit function. Going off of the idea of an interior landscape, the overall design aesthetic was influenced by the principles of landscape architect, Frederick Law Olmstead. Through the altering of his rules to fit an interior spaces, the overall design follows his ideas, in that: the design stays true to the characteristics of the surrounding site, all elements work together into a unified composition, there is an obvious path and orchestration of movement through the space, the design and materials are environmentally conscious, and the entire design was thought about in a comprehensive way, considering its function, use, and what surrounds it. 

Conceptual project completed during second year at Pratt Institute




culture club